TEXAS Endowment for Medical Research
A Think Tank of dedicated professionals committed to relieve human suffering through medical education and research
Photo shows Glycans / Glycoproteins on the surface of the red blood cell. Glycoforms transmit and receive all cellular signals.
In his latest book, author, and scientific researcher JC Spencer reveals what we have learned about this virus to date, and what we can expect in the coming months, and years.
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What is Glycoscience?
Glycoscience explains cell communication: key to all life – human, animal and plant. Glycoscience / Glycobiology is the study of biological sugars. These sugars form glycans on the surface of cells. Glycans are the keys that unlock DNA code.
Who is Texas Endowment for Medical Research?
The staff and management of Texas Endowment for Medical Research have an international network of M.D.’s, Ph.D.’s, Scientists, Researchers, and Educators in the field of Glycoscience and brain function. Texas endowment for Medical Research is exploring glycosylation to improve mental and motor skills to improve general health.
The think tank has a special interest to expand the nextwork, by inviting other professionals in immunology, and neurology to participate.
The foremost commitments are to DO NO HARM, and to RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING around the world.
This is new technology breaking through in this branch of biology called glycobiology. The focus of the technology is on glycans and glycosylation (population of glycoproteins on the surface of healthy cells). Some 800,000 glycans sugar coat a healthy human cell like fuzz on a peach. The ability to count, evaluate, and monitor these glycans provide data to establish and predict aging and diseases years in advance. The ability to glycosylate (improve the quantity and quality of the glycans) can extend the quality of life and lengthen human life. Management is coordinating proven technologies from various competing sources from various countries into newly designed never-before-use of intellectual properties.
Glycoscience Whitepaper
Help others Learn More about the exciting new world of Glycoscience! Give copies of the Glycoscience Whitepaper Revised 2016 Edition to doctors, healthcare professionals and friends.
Glycoscience Institute
Glycoscience defined is an interdisciplinary science which aims to understand the structure and function of glycans (sugars) and how they can be used. Glycobiology is a foundational branch of Glycoscience that studies the essential sugars which are the building blocks of glycoforms.
Glycoscience News
Glycoscience explains cell communication: key to all life – human, animal and plant. Glycoscience / Glycobiology is the study of biological sugars. These sugars form glycans on the surface of cells. Glycans are the keys that unlock DNA code.