Ebola Returns – Already killed more than 2000 people

by | Sep 2, 2019

Ebola Returns
Already Killed more than 2,000 People

Labor Day September 2, 2019

If you think we have seen the last of the Ebola virus, think again. In near silence, Ebola hits Africa in a very mobile populated area.

From my book, EBOLA LIES, published in 2014, I quote, “An unusual characteristic of this Ebola epidemic is a pattern of persistent cyclical dips in the number of new cases, followed by sudden flare-ups. The virus may become latent for decades before it breaks out again. Its longevity is unknown. Ebola will return at a more opportune time.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) described that this current outbreak is a different viral strain, “not as deadly as the outbreak of 2014 in West Africa.” Yet, it appears to have killed two-thirds of known cases. This outbreak is more complex because of its location in an unstable, militia controlled territory with a very mobile population who distrust those in authority. From August 2018 to August 2019, over 3,000 cases of Ebola was reported in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service reports that the deaths of more than 2,000 individuals from the virus.

WHO declared the outbreak an international emergency but the media appears rather quite. The number of new cases reported per week is slightly lower during the last few weeks while the number of affected areas has increased. The current ongoing outbreak has already spread across three eastern Congolese provinces that share international borders with South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

Distrust and fear have compounded the problem since August 2018 as more than 206,000 people have received an experimental Ebola vaccine developed by American pharmaceutical company Merck. Mutation of the Ebola virus is likely to resist vaccines. Some scientists believe outbreaks may even be caused by the vaccines which has added to the distrust by the people. Mutation could allow the spreading of Ebola to remain active longer, revive more easily, and become airborne. I reported in Ebola Lies that evidence indicates that Ebola is already airborne.

Ebola Lies is available on Amazon for $9.97 or for the month of September, we will include a FREE copy of Ebola Lies (when requested) with any order from www.OneSmartSugar.com  or www.SweetYetHealthy.com

Applied Glycoscience continues to be the great modulator of the immune system to strengthen the human body regardless of health challenges.

Thanks for listening,

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